Assistant Professor
Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica (DIEG)
Grupo de Geociencias UC
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), Chile
2020-2023: PhD Earth and Environmental Sciences (Seismology), ISTerre, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
2017-2019: MSc. in Geophysics, Universidad de Chile, Chile
2011-2015: Geomatics Engineering, Universidad de
Concepción, Chile
I'm an assistant profesor at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile). My research focuses on the use of geophysical data to understand tectonic processes such as earthquakes and fault mechanics, volcanoes, glaciers and their impact on society. For this, I use massive volumes of data and cutting-edge processing and analysis techniques (e.g., template matching, machine learning). Before joining ISTerre in France for my PhD, I did my MSc. in Chile, where I studied intermediate depth earthquakes in the subduction zone (e.g., seismic source modelling, aftershock efficiency). Previously, I studied Geomatics Engineering, where I focused on geodesy and satellite altimetry. In addition, I have both scientific and professional field experience, as I worked in engineering for some time (e.g., GNSS campaigns, Seismic Network Deployment, Local Positioning System, Levelling, etc)
*In preparation, submitted or under review
[14*] Jia, Z., Mao, M., Flores, M. C., Ruiz, S., Potin, B., Becker, T., Moreno, M., Barra, S., Baez, J. C., Ceroni, D., Cabrera, L. (202X). Deep intra-slab rupture and mechanism transition of the 2024 Mw 7.4 Calama earthquake.
[13*] Cabrera, L., Casanova, E., Torres, R., Ruiz, S., Casassa, G., & Wiens, D. (202X). Monitoring Calving at Perito Moreno Glacier (Southern Patagonian Icefield) by Combining Seismic Data and Camera Time-Lapse Imagery.
[12*] Cabrera, L., Poli, P., Ruiz, S., Poli, P., Montecino, H., Piña-Valdés, J., Caballero, E. and Sánchez-Reyes, H. (202X). Signature of an Immediate Foreshock Preceding the Mw 6.9 2017 Valparaiso (Chile) Earthquake.
[11*] Cabrera, L., Poli, P. & Campillo, M., (202X) Exploring a Dense Seismic Catalog Using Unsupervised Learning (Clustering): 8 Years of Seismicity in Central Italy (2009-2016).
[10] Ardid, A., Dempsey, D., Caudron, C., Cronin, S., Kennedy, B., Girona, T., Roman, D., Miller, C., Potter, S., Lamb, O., Martanto, A., Cubuk, Y., Cabrera, L., Ruiz, S., Contreras-Arratia, R., Pacheco, J., Mora, M., and De Angelis, S. (2025). Ergodic Seismic Precursors and Transfer Learning for Short Term Eruption Forecasting at Data Scarce Volcanoes. Nature Communications, 16, 1758. Link
[9] Cabrera, L., Ardid, A., Melchor, I., Ruiz, S., Symmes-Lopetegui, B., Báez, J.C., Delgado, F., Martinez-Yáñez, P., Dempsey, D. & Cronin, S. (2024). Eruption Forecasting Model for Copahue Volcano (Southern Andes) Using Seismic Data and Machine Learning: A Joint Interpretation with Geodetic Data (GNSS and InSAR). Seismological Research Letters, 95 (5): 2595–2610. Link
[8] Cabrera, L. & Poli, P. (2023). A Struggled Rupture Initiation of the Mw 6.1 2009 L'Aquila earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102337. Link
[7] Herrera, C., Pastén-Araya, F., Cabrera, L., Potin, B., Rivera, E., Ruiz, S., Madariaga, R. & Contreras-Reyes, E. (2023). Rupture properties of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Calama (northern Chile) intraslab earthquake. Comparison with similar intraslab events in the region, Geophysical Journal International, ggac434. Link
[6] Cabrera, L., Poli, P., & Frank, W. B. (2022). Tracking the spatio‐temporal evolution of foreshocks preceding the Mw 6.1 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB023888. Link
[5] Pasten-Araya, F., Potin, B., Azúa, K., Aden-Antoniów, F., Sáez, M., Ruiz, S., Cabrera, L., Ampuero, J.P., Nocquet, J.M., Duputel, Z., & Rivera, L. (2022). Along‐Dip Segmentation of the Slip Behavior and Rheology of the Copiapó Ridge Subducted in North‐Central Chile. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL095471. Link
[4] Poli, P., Cabrera, L., Flores, M.C., Báez, J.C., Ammirati, J.B., Vásquez, J. & Ruiz, S. (2022). Volcanic origin of a long‐lived swarm in the Central Bransfield Basin, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL095447. Link
[3] Cabrera, L., Ruiz, S., Poli, P., Contreras-Reyes, E., Osses, A., & Mancini, R. (2021). Northern Chile intermediate-depth earthquakes controlled by plate hydration. Geophysical Journal International, 226(1), 78-90. Link
[2] Ruiz, S., Ammirati, J. B., Leyton, F., Cabrera, L., Potin, B., & Madariaga, R. (2019). The January 2019 (Mw 6.7) Coquimbo earthquake: insights from a seismic sequence within the Nazca plate. Seismological Research Letters, 90(5), 1836-1843. Link
[1] Montecino, H. D., Ferreira, V. G., Cuevas, A., Cabrera, L., Báez, J. C. S., & De Freitas, S. R. (2017). Vertical deformation and sea level changes in the coast of Chile by satellite altimetry and tide gauges. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(24), 7551-7565. Link
2024 Jul - Present: Assistant Professor, DIEG, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile), Chile
2023 Mar - 2024 Jun: Researcher at the Seismic Risk Program (PRS), of the Universidad de Chile, Chile
2023 Mar - 2023 Dec: Visiting researcher at Department of Geodetic Sciences and Geomatic, U. de Concepción, Chile
2020 Feb - 2023 Feb: PhD Student at the Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre), Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Teaching Experience:
2024 July - Present: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: General Geophysics (ICE2630).
2024 Mar - June: Professor of the graduate course Data Science for Geosciences (GF7000), Universidad de Chile.
2021, 2022, 2023: Professor of the Diploma in Applied Research and Innovation (Duoc UC).
2016 Sep - 2018 Dec: Assistant Professor, Duoc UC Institute
2018 Mar - 2019 Dec: Teaching Assistant, Universidad de Chile (Seismology, Theoretical Seismology and Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Postgraduate Diploma in Seismology)
2014 Mar - 2015 Dec: Teaching Assistant, Universidad de Concepción (Geodesy I and II, Numerical Methods for Calculus)
Profesional Experience:
2020 - Present: Founder and consultant for the startup 128 Hz SPA (Geophysical exploration services and engineering)
2016 Aug - 2017 Feb: Cartographic Analyst, Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM)
2016 Feb - 2016 Jul: Field Geomatics Engineer, Padecasa S.A.
Editorial Services
Reviewer for Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), Communications Earth & Environment (CEE, nature), SN Applied Sciences, Journal of South American Earth Sciences (JSAES), Seismological Research Letters (SRL), Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA), Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (JGR).
Field Work Experience:
2018-2019: Broadband seismic network deployment and maintenance in northern Chile [5].
2017: Geodetic campaign to estimate vertical deflection using high accuracy LPS+GNSS [DuocUC Project].
2016: Local Positioning System (Total Station), GNSS (Static, Kinematic, RTK) and Levelling for engineering purposes.
Research Visits
2024 (Sep-Oct): Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EAPS, Cambridge, USA.
2023 (Mar): Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut des sciences de la Terre, Grenoble, France.
2023 (Oct): Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Geoscienze, Padova, Italy.
2023 (Mar): Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Geoscienze, Padova, Italy.
2022 (Sep): Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Geoscienze, Padova, Italy.
2022 (April): Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EAPS, Cambridge, USA.
2024: Research Travel Grant SZ4D US and Chile Exchange Program.
2023: Travel and registration grant to attend the Cargèse 2023 School on Subduction Zone Processes.
2019: Internship Grant, Universidad de Chile - Institut des sciences de la Terre (ISTerre), Grenoble
2018: "Higher Teaching Quality" Award, Duoc UC Institute
2017: Chilean Master Degree Fellowship - ANID
2015: "Universidad de Concepción Award", best student of the generation.
Academic Activities
Organizer of the Solid Earth Seminar of the Department of Geophysics, U. Chile (2023-2024)
Organizer of the AndesNet Scientific Discussion Meetings (2023-2024)
Organizer of the weekly "Seismology Seminars" at ISTerre (2021-2022)
Organizer and convener of the "GeoCharlasT3" talks project (2020)
Professional Memberships
American Geophysical Union, Seismological Society of America, European Geosciences Union, SZ4D, AndesNet.